Gagnants du 61e concours de trompette Guca 2022

A total of 17 trumpet orchestras participated and the expert jury made the following decisions:

Elvis Bajramović from Bojnik was named the best trumpet player at the 61th Trumpet Festival

Marko Trnavac Orchestra from Mršelj won the award for most traditional music play

The best orchestra is proclaimed the orchestra of Bojan Krstić from Vladičin Han

Dragan Pavlović from Guča (Dragačevske trube) was declared the most popular trumpet player, i.e. He won the trumpet of the audience

Želko Stefanović and Alexandar Petronijević from Arilje had the best played song 

Stefan Ibrahimović from the orchestra Стеfan Мladenović from  Vranje had the best song execution for “Kolo” (Serban traditional dance)

The second orchestra is the Siniša Stanković Orchestra from Yagužanje

The third orchestra is the Stefan Mladenović orchestra from Vranje

The second trumpet was won by Vladimir Ivanović from Zagužanje

The third trumpet was awarded to Kristijan Trajković from Zaguzanje

Еmanuel Zaćirović from the orchestra of Isidor Zaćirović  from Bojnik was named the best drummer

Stefan Ibrahimović  from the orchestra Stefan Mladenović from Vranje was named the best bassist

– The best tenor is Igor Mustafić from orchestra Danijel Jokanović from Šid

– Hope to see you next year in August!