558 messaggi.
Uvjek sam zeljela da odem u Gucu da cujem i dozivim te trubase. Jako zavidim svima sto ce biti na Saboru!
Dogodine cu biti i ja obecavam 🙂
Zelim vam prekrasan spetakl !
:-D#-):-D gucoooooooooooooo
stizem trecu godinu za redom i dok sam ziv guce necu propustiti .
Jos samo malo i pocinjeeee uhhhhhhhhhhh:-B
Damn it! I have to go to Guca again! Its been too long! But my friends are not into Folk!!! Nobody going there with car, bus train from Belgium, France, Germany, Holland,...?
I also want to come to the festival and I also have some questions:
Does anyone have experiences in hitch-hiking to Guca?
Is it possible to camp somewhere in or near Guca? Some of you already posed the same question, but it was never answered.
I hope to see you there!
Greetings - Jochen
Bas mi je drago da toliko kasno ima Sabor jer tako bicu na Balkan i verovatno mogacu da vratim na najveci zabavi ko sam vidio kroz svet!
:-!We are two couples coming to Guca to visit a family who lived a time in Belgium. Actually we didn't know that the trumpetfestival would be moved from the 30the of August the 3rd of September. So we are in luck!!!!!! We are arriving on that 3rd of september for a stay of two nights. Every year we have harvest feasts, harmonie festivals (woodwind- and brass like trumpets, clarinetts). So blow your horn and blow it well.
Cheers from Robert from Belgium, Antwerp 😉
Ciao Guca!
This year i will bring 21 people from Sweden. This is my fourth year on the festival.
I'm looking forward to meet you all again and I hope to bring my orchestra soon.
last week we were on tour in Macedonia. it was sooooo great.
Ciao from Goran, Svedska.
Guco, eto mene naredne~!!!
Cao svim Guca fafanovima!
jedva cekam gucucu i ove godine. zao mi je sto je menadzment ovog sajta imao probleme sa rezervacijama ali iskreno meni je obrazlozenje vlade sasvim na mestu! vidimo se !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-D
Is there the possibility to camp (camping car) somewhere near guca?
best wishes,
žao mi je Å¡to je vlda odluÄÂila da ZABRANI fetsival jer je kao post neki tanmo. Ã…Â ta ima crkveni post sa vladom i sa festivalom??? 😕
cao svima,
neznam dali da placem ili da se ubijem tako mi je krivo i zao sto ovo leto nemogu da odem u gucu jer jos nikada nisam bila ali sam mnogo cula i videla na netu da je fenomenalno i super party i ove godine sam htela da idem ali pre dva dana sam videla da tada vise necu biti u srbiji jer 29 aug se vracam za nemacku :-(:-( mislila sam da ce biti kao prosle godine pocetak avgust ali nazalost nije tako:-((((((((((((((((Mnogo mnogo sam tuzna sbog toga jer sam bas htela da dozivim sama jednom gucu.
Ipak zelim svima koje ce da idu tamo mnogo FUN AND PARTY i mislite na mene:-(( i popi te neku ljutu za moju dusu hehehheh
puno vas pozdravljam CMOK TAMARA
Hi everobody!
I have been never on the Guca festival. That is my dream. I am young, I have a time for Guca. Abouth Guca festival I hear only the best.
Best regards for Guca fans!
I'm heading to Guca this August september from the UK (via Italy) by myself. If any other English speakers want to meet up there to hang out with someone who doesn't speak any local languages drop me an email!
aaahhh man this is the best wildest music festival on the planet !! anyone thinking of going ....you must !! forget your sorry western ideals and your silly credit card payments , this is a must see and do !!
embrace serbias wild spirit ....you will not regret it .
cheers Lee Coleman (new zealand)
Ich war bis jetzt immer in Guca, leider konnte ich nicht letztes Jahr weil ich zu der Zeit wieder abreisen musste. Dieses Jahr habe ich extra Urlaub genommen damit ich dabei sein kann, wird bestimmt wieder voll geil sein. Ich grüsse alle aus Serbien
Schöne Seite,
wenn ich mal im Augus in Serbien bin, komme ich aufjedenfall vorbei! Vielleicht schon diesen Sommer!
8-0 very nice site , I will visit your site again.thanks.