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556 entries.
Hans, Heinz & Blaus Hans, Heinz & Blaus from 5 wrote on 14. November 2006. at 10:22
The festival was really great. So it took some time to became a clear head again since we still heard playing brass bands after weeks although the fesival already finished. Great hospitality, great bands, best rakija. See you next year!
Pavel Pavel from 86 wrote on 14. November 2006. at 06:19
and finaly, who won? =) who is best orchestra? who is best trumpet? +)
ruth dimitrijevic ruth dimitrijevic from 184 wrote on 6. November 2006. at 23:25
2006 was my first visit to Guca but you can bet it will not be my last, my husband is a serb but our friends who accompanied us and myself are all aussies who previously had no interest in this type of music or speak the language' all had a ball!!!!! We were not happy when they changed the date so late as we had already booked & paid for air tickets from Australia, so it cost us a lot of money to change dates, anyway we had such a good time all is forgiven. We danced on tables & in the streets, Yes the serbs sure know how to have fun!!!:-):-):-):-):-)3
Jurij Jurij from 5 wrote on 1. November 2006. at 13:31
Zdravo ljudi! Moze li neko da mi kaze ko je ove godine pobedio. Koji orkestar. Sve najbolje svima. Ciao
wulf wulf from 18 wrote on 30. October 2006. at 07:35
hallo! on what date will be the guca-festival in 2007?
Boki Boki from 72 wrote on 29. October 2006. at 01:13
i guess its is Jooyoung they inform on these pages about changes...
Monika Monika from 38 wrote on 25. October 2006. at 08:44
..this year it was my first time in Guca. It was very very fantastic festival. Our music, persons and..all. The next xear I will here again. Ziveli Guca and Serbija. I send the sweet kiss from Slovakia - from Banska Stiavnica 8-0
kocka kocka from 11 wrote on 17. October 2006. at 20:22
Svaka cast organizaciji i mjestu Guca na predivnoj muzici koja se slusa sirom europe!:-)
Jooyoung Jooyoung from 107 wrote on 11. October 2006. at 01:34
Some days ago, I read about the festival in Guca. It's so attractive to me. And I feel that I must go to Guca in next summer:-) The date written in the main page is correct?
Borisa Pavlovic Borisa Pavlovic from 54 wrote on 28. September 2006. at 02:44
Sve sam ostavio u otadzbini, i sve sam prezalio, ali zvuk trube na uvo i miris kafane ne mogu da prezalim. Nista ne kaze SRBIJA glasnije nego Guca!
Nikola Nikola from 184 wrote on 19. September 2006. at 17:44
svaka vam cast super svirate moja baba je bas bila na vas concert u srbiju...el moze neko od vas da mi kaze gde mogu vasu muziku da downlodujem ona na vasu stranu nece da radi na moj komputer:-D I8-0GUCA
Lee Lee from 18 wrote on 16. September 2006. at 10:15
Hallo Ihr Musikanten! Eure HP sieht ja echt klasse aus! Respekt! Noch viel Spaß beim Musizieren wünscht Euch Lee! 😐
Raphaël Raphaël from 16 wrote on 14. September 2006. at 15:34
Bilo je još sve odlićno taj put u Gucu ! Kako dobro sviraju trubaci iz Serbia ! Big french kiss from one srbski zet ko voli nogov novu zemlju ! Pozdrav za seo srbski narod !
Dragacevac Dragacevac from 18 wrote on 11. September 2006. at 01:00
Blago svima koji su bili na saboru :)! Svake godine sam tamo na odmoru kod porodice, a ove godine se bas pogodilo da promasim sabor! Tolko mi je krivo da nemogu da opisem, necu vise nikad da propustim sabor u guci, taman moro da uzmem bolovanje da dodem ;)! pozz, Oki
Alice Alice from 23 wrote on 8. September 2006. at 03:14
VEIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where are you? you have my email....write me!!! 8-0volim gucu!!!! I love guca because there are so beautiful music,so many many special persons. One big kisses from Sardinia
Kicma Kicma from 12 wrote on 7. September 2006. at 23:52
nikad nemogu da se organizuju oko puta u gucu svi bi isli ali na kraju niko neode, kakvo sranje. nadam se da cu ici nekada u gucu na manifestaciju pozdrav iz Praga
Pavel Pavel from 86 wrote on 7. September 2006. at 17:26
It's was fantastic! =)) see you next year! =)
RADE BOSKOVIC RADE BOSKOVIC from 175 wrote on 7. September 2006. at 09:54
😀 Mi hocemo da idemo na festivalu sledece godine... EXECUTIVE Committee SLAVIC Students' Association of the University of Cape Town in South Africa...
Meca Meca from 18 wrote on 4. September 2006. at 16:50
Ljudi moji, vec sam bila spomenila da ove godine nisam mogla ici za Gucu ali sam pratila ponocni koncert i naravno i takmicenje preko televizije.joooj muzike, uzivala sam. JEDVA cekam sledecu godinu kad budem isla....ima da poludimo od srece.I evo poruka za sve one koji jos nisu bili u Guci: Ljudi, na godinu.........put pod noge i direktno za GUCU, jeste culi???Necete se sigurno kajati, ako odete jedanput moracete ici svake godine...jer pravo veselje ce te samo naci u Guci.Pozdrav svima koji obozavaju Gucu kao i ja!!! VOLIM GUCUUUUUUU!!!!!
Amaia Amaia from 8 wrote on 1. September 2006. at 11:14
We are some spanish girls that we want to go to Guca this weekend, but from sarajevo. I would like some information about the transports between Visegrad and guca.