Program of the GUCA festival 2024



(GUČA, 02-04. AUGUST 2024)


Program of the 63rd Guča Festival /  from 02.08.-04.08.24.

FRIDAY 02. August 2024.              

11:00 – Festival opening at the trumpet monument ( Dejan Petrovic is the hosts of the festival  and will have introduction speech)
11:30 Press conference including organizers and hosts
12:00 Opening of art exhibitions
12:30 Street of old crafts opens
13:00 Opening of the book fair

The stage of the Cultural Center

16:00 Concert: Trumpet finalists
16:30 Competition for the most beautiful national costumes and traditional dance group KUD Abrašević Guca
20:00 Concert: Danica Krstić


21:00 Concert: Trumpet orchestra of trumpet masters – Dejan Lazarević
22.15 Concert : Trumpet orchestra of trumpet masters – Boban and Marko Marković
23:30 Midnight concert of trumpet orchestras finalists of the 63rd Festival

SATURDAY  03.August 2024.

7:00 Wakening call of the trumpets
12:00 Press conference
13:00 National tournament

The stage of the Cultural Center

15:00 Artistic program trumpet orchestras, singing groups, cultural and artistic club
16:00 Concert: Tačmi brass band( Slovenia)
18:30 Serbian youth trumpet orchestras competition



21:00 “They won – they deserved it” (winners of Guče 2023)

/ Milenko Filipovic Trumpet Orchestra

/ Stefan Mladenovic  Trumpet Orchestra- presentation of master’s letter

/ “Timocki veseljaci”  Trumpet Orchestra- – presentation of master’s letter

/ Trumpet Orchestra of Bojan Ristic with guests — presentation of master’s letter

22:50 Concert: Trumpet orchestra of trumpet masters – Dejan Petrovic Big Bend
00:30 Concert: Trumpet orchestra of trumpet masters: Ekrem Mamutović  

NEDELJA 04.Avgust 2024.

07:00 Wakening call of the trumpets
11:00 Festival parade and traditional Dragacevo wedding
13:00 Press conference

The stage of the Cultural Center

14:00 Artistic program “Guardians of the tradition – creators of the future” (trumpet orchestras, singing groups, folk poets)
15:00 Concert: traditional (cultural articstic) dance group “OPLENAC” –from Topola
16:30 Concert: Tamči brass band from Slovenia


18:00 The final competition of trumpet orchestras of Serbia “Sa Ovčara i Kablara”
21:00 Gala concert – folk orchestra with guest singers –  Aleksandar Tirnanić, Čeda Marković, Snežana Đurišić I Danica Krstić
22:45 Announcement of the winners of the 63rd Guča trumpet festival

23:00 Concert of winners of 63rd Trumpet festival



„See you by the next Festival“